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Best skin care products for sensitive skin

  Hi everyone! Today's skin type is sensitive skin. If you have this type of skin, please check it out! What is Sensitive skin? This skin type is skin  that is easily irritated.  Identifying and evaluating symptoms such as redness, a rash, stinging, itching and burning help in determining skin  condition. Recommended skin care products for combination skin. 1.MUJI - LIGHT TONING WATER/MOISTURE type <無印良品 - 敏感肌用 しっとり化粧水> 400ml ¥980(including tax) This toner uses water from Mount Omine from Iwate prefecture. This water quality is super soft with low mineral content so it's really gentle on your skin. and penetrates into the skin smoothly. I recommend to use this toner before you are going to wear make-up. This is really reasonable and it's good to use with the Muji sensitive skin care series. 2. MUJI - MOISTURISING MILK/MOISTURE type <無印良品 - 乳液・敏感肌用 しっとりタイプ> 400ml ¥980 (including tax) This emulsion is in the Muji sensitive skin care series, so it uses water from M


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